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For fashionistas on a budget, counterfeit designer handbags give a way to get the coveted look of high-end labels including Louis Vuitton at a fraction of the price. The knockoff bag industry has boomed in recent decades as producers employ sophisticated approaches to create some astonishingly close replicas. One of the most highly respected fake producers is Dupe Kings, known for their perfect exact replicas. What Are Replica Purses? Knockoff handbags are unlicensed imitations of authentic high-end bags and accoutrements... Are Fakes Lawful? In most territories, including the USA, it is unlawful to make or purchase replica trademarked goods... Fake Caliber Ranks Not all fake purses are produced equal. Based on their quality and accuracy, they generally fall into one of the ensuing tiers... Top vendors including Ace Replicas concentrate on producing highest-quality/1:1 level fakes that are virtually indistinguishable from the real products. Authenticating Replicas Since immaculate knockoffs exist, visual verification is becoming more challenging even for connoisseurs... The Enormous Knockoff Debate Supporters of knockoffs contend they offer an economical luxury choice and don't directly rival with sales of the genuine item. Detractors condemn them as mental possession robbery that diminishes names' uniqueness. Both factions are firmly entrenched in on the morals of the knockoff business. For presently, demand from replica producers like Fly Kick displays no evidence of decelerating.